binary  poem
a poem by  
  keith  o'connor
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binary poem is experimental in that each poem is presented side by side and each has vertical variety and unity but they are also linked with horizontal unity and variety.  This poem will form the basis for a series of paintings I will title 
binery (n),  (n) = the painting number in the series.
white on white 

artists can paint 
with more than one white 
if they start off by mixing 
a tone called mid-grey 
half way between 
white high 
black low 
mixing in half 
white high and mid-grey 
they keep on mixing 
one half at a time 
until small tones 
of paint that are just off-white 
not much different 
 other off-whites 
are painted on a canvas 
white  on  white 


black on black 

artists can paint 
with  more than one black 
if they start off by  mixing 
a tone called mid-grey 
half way between  
black low 
white high 
mixing  in half 
black low and mid-grey 
they  keep on mixing 
one half at a time 
until small tones 
of paint that are just off-black 
not much different 
other off-blacks 
are painted on a canvas 
black  on  black 


Keith  O'Connor 
july  2001
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