the silent smell
of dead machines
filled every corner
of the broken factory
there was a time
the sweet smelling oil
the silky smooth rhythmic
hum of young hard steeled shafts
spinning endlessly
on their new titanium bearings
everything dies
comes to an end
yet we have made so many
different ways of saying "dies"
of saying "dead"
"the adventure is over"
"the flame is snuffed"
"darkness looms"
"the limelight has gone out"
"the game is over"
plants - animals - people - machines
all die in their own way
we the living
we live - just long enough
to learn
by whatever name
life's cruel game sometimes
let's us know before we die
we will die
we know
but don't believe
even the suicide knows
but doesn't believe
but we do believe
that death
is just a transition
a journey from
one to other
even though
we don't know
we believe we know
Keith O'Connor
2001 Dec 14
ottawa canada |