he would run for hours
on that squeaky wheel
it was a little squeak
not very disturbing
every evening
I would read my son
his bedtime story
I had the habit of
changing the
tone - pitch - speed
of my voice
to make the stories
more interesting
that little hamster-wheel
kept a steady little squeak
in the background
one evening when I went up
to read him his story
there was no little squeaking
from hammy
his wheel wasn't turning
he just lay there - dead
he was an old hamster
we thought this was normal
it was mid winter
the ground was frozen
we couldn't bury him outside
so a few days later
I came home with
a small box of cement mix
after supper
we cut an empty
plastic bleach container
in half
mixed up the cement
put hammy in the middle
of the bleach container
surrounded by cement
we then
scraped his name
date of birth
and date of death
into the soft cement top
we decided to
leave him in
his cement casket
until spring
when we would bury him
in the back-yard
a few days after
we had encased hammy
in his concrete casket
the weekend arrived
and with it came
the Saturday news paper
there was an article on hamsters
in the pet section
if they get chilled
they go into hibernation
and appear dead
oh oh
I said to myself
I remembered that
hammy didn't smell
when I put him into the cement
I found that strange
he had been dead for three days
he should have smelt
I also remembered
that the heat register
was blocked
by a tossed comic book
hammy's cage
was in front of the window
the mid-winter window temperature
would have been
slightly below the
start hibernating temperature
mentioned in the article
Keith O'Connor
2001 Dec 31
Ottawa Canada