nickel 1944
can you give me a nickel
he was tall like a tree
my grandpa
I looked way up
he looked way down
at little four year old me
he smiled that smile
that only grandpas smile
reached in his pocket
his money pocket
that tinkled with coins
pulled out his fist
and opened it wide
to a treasure I couldn't see
he picked out a coin
and handed it down
down into my little
four year old hand
it's a penny I said
as I looked way up
giving him my best
best impish smile
it's not shiny
I'll give you a shiny
if you give back the brown
I thought for a moment
I know it's a brown nickle
we little kids know things like that
and I wanted them both
It's only a penny
can I have it too
I'll have only six cents
when I add up the two
a smile crossed his face
he knew my childish trickery
and smiled that knowing smile
that way down
in his childhood memory
he was me
and handed down
his shiny
Keith O'Connor
Ottawa Canada
aug 7 2001