the managers
a poem by  
  keith  o'connor
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This is an experiment in my binary poem format. 
On the left side I present the poem in it's standard language format. On the right I present the emotional agenda, in a different colour, for each character.

Keep it simple 
said one to the other 
yes, keep it simple 
said the other to one 
that's the secret  
said one to the other 
yes, that's the secret 
said the other to one 
they make it so complicated 
it's so easy to bench mark 
the apples and the oranges 
said one to the other 
right on 
said the other to one 
it's so simple 
just do it  
said one to the other 
I agree said the other to one 
They want to talk talk talk 
said the one to the other 
I know said the other to one 
I don't want to talk the talk 
I want to do the do 
said the one to the other 
I agree completely 
said the other to one 
They must do more with less 
said one to the other 
Yes more with less 
said the other to one 
They get more money than I  
and they are so stupid  
said the one to the other 
It's the system   it rewards stupidity 
said the other to one 
If I were in charge 
things would be different  
said one to the other 
You have the fresh new ideas  
said the other to one 
Yes I do 
 but we must get "buy- in"  
said one to the other 
You're "the man" 
 said the other... 


they should be perfect 

I am also perfect 

I am perfect 

you are perfect 

they are not as smart as me 
I am so perfect 

you are perfect 

I am perfect 

I am also perfect 
they are not workers 

I am a worker 

I am perfect 

I am also perfect 

they are not smart 

I am also smart 

life is not fair 
I am so smart 

I also suffer from 
life is not fair 


I am perfect 

you are so perfect 

yes I am perfect 
I am even super perfect 

you are perfection 

Keith  O'Connor 
july  2001
How to make yourself an angry narcissistic neurotic. 
(1)   I absolutly must perform well else I am an inadequate person. 
(2)   Other people completely must treat me kindly and fairly-or else they are worthless individuals. 
(3)    My life conditions absolutly must be easy and never very frustrating-or else the world is rotten. 

Albert Ellis, Ph.D.  
Author of How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything-Yes, Anything.

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