Cut Government Costs
a poem by  
  keith  o'connor
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What does a newly elected government, elected to cut costs, do when it discovers the previous government was reasonably cost efficient?
.Cut Government Costs  

let's cut the fat  
from fatty fat government  
reduce costs  
that is our mission  
that's why they voted  
voted for us  
voted fiscal responsibility  
that's us  
us have a problem 
us have learned  
the previous government  
the government we beat  
was very efficient  
they ran a tight ship  
there is no place to cut  
we said  
the previous government  
stupid - incompetent  
inefficient - bunglers  
wasted - taxpayers - money  
our problem is that  
that's not completely true  
we must cut  
cut or  be called liars  
 liars and fools if we say  
 there's nothing to cut  
there must be redundancies 
there are the usual 
mistake catching redundancies  
quality control redundancies  
redundancies designed to   
 prevent someone from being killed  
 redundancy cutting is risky  
cut them 
cut redundancies 
get rid of them 
we'll say 
people checking people  
too bureaucratic  
give people authority  
to do the job  
down size  
don't worry about risk 
there is no risk 
we'll change the law  
make government  
employees accountable  
for their actions  
if anyone dies  
it's not because we cut  
the system safety redundancies  
it's because the employee  
did not do his or her job 
we'll blame the employee 
voters love to blame 
they don't know about 
safety systems 
taxpayers can sue  
 the government employee   
the one that makes a mistake 
causing a death or two  
if the employee has no money  
that's not our problem 
yes but 
we run the risk  
if someone dies 
it will then be said 
 efficiency in government  
does not imply  
gambling with life  
gambling with death  
the voters  
come next election  
they won't know  
we'll blame the person  
the person at fault  
they'll blame the person  
the person at fault  
they'll never know  
it's us at fault 
they'll never know we cut safety 
they're so stupid  
they'll vote for us  
fiscally responsible us  

Keith O'Connor 
Ottawa Canada 
2001   aug   20 


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