the return
clear transparent blue sky
painted with tender touches
of soft blues - violets
elusive tints from
greyish blue to red violet
magically appear and disappear
as my eyes scan the sky
it had not changed
it was the same sky
the sky of my childhood
in my childhood memory
I lay on the green grass
feeling the coolness of the earth
on my back
looking up at the sky
looking in wonderment
at the colours
the elusive ever changing
delicate tints of colours
memories merge
in the sky above me
the intervening years vanish
it is the moment
the moment my
retirement becomes real
the burden of working life
the responsibilities
the schedules
float away
leaving behind
a carefree child
was the world of doing
I had returned
to the world of being
Keith O'Connor
Ottawa Canada
2001 aug 29