word and the tree
I look at a tree
I know it's a tree
my mother told me
it was a tree
she pointed to it and said
that's how I know it's a tree
I have a word for it
the word is "tree"
what if I had no word
what if my mother had pointed
and said
" and " "
I would have no word for it
I would look at it
but I would have no word for it
I could touch it
but I would have no word for it
I could not say to you
I saw a tree today
because I had no word for it
I couldn't say to you
I saw a "
" to day
you would not know what I meant
I can't put a picture
of a tree in my mind
and say to you
look into my mind
and see what I saw today
you can't see into my mind
I have a word
I say to you
I saw a tree
you can't see the "tree"
that I saw
you can only hear the word
that I say
since you can't see
the tree that I saw
we share the word
that I say
the word "tree"
we don't need the real tree
we only need the word
the word is the tree
Keith O'Connor
Ottawa Canada
2001 aug 24