composition concepts
Virtual Space
    summary modified: 2004 -Jan-30



The Illusion of Virtual Space
Jean-Pierre Haschede and Michel Monet on the banks of the Epte 1890
Oil on Canvas by: Claude Monet

National Gallery of Canada Cyber Museum

Although the recessional space appears limited by the density of trees in the background the psychological perception of virtual space extends in an upward and side wise directions withing the pictorial space and is thus greater in expanse than the painting itself.
The painting should be looked at stereoscopically in order for its full virtual space effect to be felt.
Note the placement of the curved shadows defining the bank do not follow a logical lighting sequence (a linear method) - there are not trees that cast such a shadow. Is it therefor a compositonal requirement that recalls linear principles used to define the tactile aspect of form.
The very painterly background sets off the less painterly trees and their reflections in a gentle foreground dominant, back-ground subordinate relationship
Note the lyrical quality given to the lines used in sketching the tree verticals.
This is a very simple composition that effectively uses a complex of traditional styles in expressing the impressionist concern with landscape light.


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